In January I climbed Mount Kongo while there was still some snow on top. It would be my third time up. I enjoy climbing Mount Kongo and do so every once in a while. It was cold so I came will prepared with lots of clothes. In the end I didn’t need most of them because once you start hiking up you warm up. Along the way I met a few hikers who said hello. A couple of them were keen to check whether I had spikes for the snow near the top. I didn’t but kept quiet. Japanese hikers are very conservative and can carry a lot of equipment. At the top snow was only just starting to fall. A little slippery sometimes but nothing worse than walking down the road after a brief flurry of snow. In fact, the worst parts were the concrete roads. The flat surface made the ground more slippery. I had some hot soba noodles at the top to warm up. Several people were wandering around the cafe in spikes, no doubt, damaging the floor. It was a nice day out.
What are spikes?
They are special spikes you put on your shoes. They stop you falling over when you walk on ice or icy ground. If you wear them in a house you scratch the floor.