Month: <span>March 2019</span>

The Cakes of Japan

I bought this on the way to the football. It’s a Sakura Danish Pastry which is kind of appropriate given I was going to see Cerezo play. The Sakura part …

Cerezo vs San Frecce

The second league game of the season wasn’t in front of a full house. I was quite a nice day but you can see from this picture that the turn …

The Cakes of Japan

I bought this a while back while on the way to a hike in Nara. I actually ended up getting lost and walking along a main round for a couple …


Karuta is a very Japanese card game. Wikipedia informs me that the term karuta just means playing cards in Japanese. What I am about to discuss is Uta-garuta or poetry …

The Chorus Competition

One highlight of the school year was the chorus competition. Each class of the the grade/year compete against each other. Every class choses a song to sing. All members of …

A Trip to Wakayama City

A while back I went for a day out to Wakayama. Wakayama is the prefecture below Osaka prefecture. Wakayama City is the capital. The Nankai railway connects it to Osaka. …

Mount Kongo in the Winter

In January I climbed Mount Kongo while there was still some snow on top. It would be my third time up. I enjoy climbing Mount Kongo and do so every …